Long time no speak, pet-pals! We’ve been busy making important changes to our website and blog, changes that should make both easier to access and much easier to use. With that aside, I can now bring you our most exciting news this year: Village Vets are organising a fantastic event for all of the family, including your four-legged lovelies.


On the 4th of August, Village Vets invite you to take part in a charity walk in support of My Canine Companion; an organisation which trains and provides dogs to families that have special needs, such as, but not limited to autism. Despite the absolute necessary work that My Canine Companion does, they receive no Government aid and rely solely on the good-will, fund-raising and donations of the families affected.

One such story of how vital these dogs are comes from the family of a Village Vets member:

walk nwag, things to do in dublin, phoenix park events, charity walk dublin

“My name is Caley & I’m Alfie’s mam.
Alfie was diagnosed with autism when he was two and a half and since then, we are doing everything we can to make Alfie’s life a bit easier. That includes the arrival of Alfie’s service dog Ezra. Ezra has been such a help to Alfie. Since Ezra came, Alfie has been more social and has come out of his shell. His anxiety has lessened and he uses Ezra to regulate his emotions.

We are doing a charity walk in the Phoenix Park to give a little back to the wonderful people who made it possible for us to have Ezra as part of our family. It costs €10,000 to train a service dog and My Canine Companion receive no government funding but rely on the help of donations and fundraising from families.

Anything raised will go straight to My Canine Companion and would be so greatly appreciated, not just from me, but from all of us.

Thank you x




To join Village Vets in support of this excellent cause, we are asking you to make a donation of a suggested amount of €10 , which will go straight tMy Canine Companion and insure a family and three dogs to take part in the event. Each dog there will also receive a complimentary bandana, water and dog treats upon arrival. Each participant will also receive €20 off their next visit to Village Vets . Not only that, but everyone registered will be entered into a draw, of which the winner will receive 1 full year of a Pet Health Plan, valued at €300!


If that wasn’t enough excitement for one day; an amazing pet photographer Michelle from The Wet Nose Studio will will also be there to take stunning photos of your pet! Michelle has a way with animals that has to be seen to be believed; bringing out the tail wags in even the most camera-shy of dogs!



The walk will be taking place in Phoenix Park at 11 a.m on the 4th of August. The meeting place for the walk is the Dublin Zoo car park. The walk will loop through much of Phoenix Park’s beautiful scenery, hopefully on one of the nicest days of the year.

walk nwag, things to do in dublin, phoenix park events, charity walk dublin



You can sign up for the walk in any Village Vets branch, or online here where you can donate.

In this trying time, we are all too aware of the financial pressures imposed on each of us, but any donations will help Caley and Alfie give back to the organisation that gave them such vital support. As well as that, you’ll also be a part of a fun and exciting day with many other dog lovers, avid walkers, Village Vet staff and many more people! You’d be mad to miss the fun, the prizes, and the day out!


If you wish to make a donation there are donation buckets in each of our 11 clinics around Dublin and Meath or you can donate online here:


Get a ticket and make a donation on our eventbrite page here:


Join the group on Meet up here:


We can’t wait to see you there!

my canine companion    village vets

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