Village Vets in the media

As a leading voice in veterinary and advocate for animal welfare in Ireland, we are proud of this recognition when it happens. Over the last few weeks & months we have been advocating for better welfare for puppies and making a stance against Puppy Farms. In recognition of this one of our Vets & MD, Charles Cosgrave, was on the radio speaking to Jenny Greene on 2fm and Matt Cooper on Today FM. During these interviews, Charles discussed our Puppy contract and other related matters on puppy farming.


Our clinical director, Aoife Caulfield was on Newstalk radio chatting to Bobby Kerr about the Veterinary profession and the future of the industry. It is a great honor to be recognised as leaders in the profession and for our dedication to providing a high quality service to our clients.

We are very proud of our team and humbled by this recognition.





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