Operation Transformation is back!

Pets are increasingly becoming overweight, just as in the case of humans. This is a cause for concern and seriously alarming. This is because obesity in pets can lead to serious illnesses and many a time could be fatal. As pet owners it is your responsibility to take your pet/pets for regular vet visits to keep a check on its/their weight.
Cats and dogs are prone to cardiac problems and metabolism disorders among several others if they are obese. The weight of your pet must not go beyond 20 percent of its ideal body weight; so regularly monitor and ensure your furry dear family member stays healthy all the time.

It is not enough if you pamper your puppy or cat and feed it with lots of foods out of love. As a responsible pet owner you need to see that your beloved furry gets all the physical exercise it needs. Do not let your pet laze around; doing so will only complicate things.

Health problems due to obesity

Excess weight causes shortness of breath, puts pressure on spine and limbs and affects the circulation system in the body. There are chances that your obese cat or obese dog develops arthritis or rheumatism. An obese pet also finds it difficult to get through any surgery.

cat obesity, dog obesity, fat cat , fat dog, cat diet, dog diet

While lack of physical activity is the major reason for pet obesity, feeding excess of fatty foods also contribute to your pet becoming overweight. So make sure to take your cat or puppy to regular strolls and feed only healthy pet foods.

Operation Transformation campaign at Village Vets

At Village Vets, we have ‘Operation Transformation’ program that will be starting in January. The campaign runs until March. Pet owners can get their pet examined for weight free of cost during these months. If your pet is identified as being obese, reasons will be analyzed for the same. If there is no medical condition that is causing excess weight, then diet must be the culprit! You will be asked to opt for the weight reduction program that involves changes to your pet’s diet. A dietary advice is offered by one of the qualified vet nurses and you will be provided with a diet chart to follow.

cat obesity, dog obesity, fat cat , fat dog, cat diet, dog diet

How it all started…

This campaign is conducted at Village Vets clinics every year. Village Vets, a family practice that has been into veterinary care since 1980 has always showed concern and love towards cats and dogs. However it was noticed that there was an increasing number of pets with obesity that led to multiple health issues in the recent times. The reasons are the same as with humans and the issue demanded immediate attention. With the intention of making pets healthier, the clinics came up with this idea of weight loss campaign that has been admired greatly by pet owners. The participation has been promising and the results always assuring. There are already enquiries from pet owners relating to this year’s campaign.

Pet health plan at Village vets

Clients that have already opted for our Pet Health Plan will receive free veterinary consults all year round. They also get 20 % off on all Royal Canin pet diets. To avail royal Canin obesity dog food best price, sign up for our pet health plan. The plan also includes unlimited free vet appointments, vaccinations and annual blood test.

To find out more about our Pet Health Plan click here.

Regular health check for pets are as significant as they are for humans.

Last year’s ‘Operation Transformation’ winner

The biggest weight loser will win a year’s supply of Royal Canin food (either it is a dog or cat). It is worth mentioning here that last year it was Thinker, a 10 year old collie-cross that won the Operation Transformation weight loss contest. He lost over 3 kg within three months; this was possible due to the change in his diet that the Village Vets recommended. He was put on Royal Canin diet, the best known pet food that worked wonders.

cat obesity, dog obesity, fat cat , fat dog, cat diet, dog diet

So, pet owners out there, this is good news for you and your pet! Obesity in dogs treatment is now available at Village vets, one of the highly reputed vet clinics in Ireland. Make the most of this opportunity and ensure your pet stays healthy and fit.

What are you still waiting for? Get in touch with us quickly for more information on Operation Transformation weight loss Campaign and Pet Health Plan! We will make you glad for your decision!

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