Fire Station Receive Pet Oxygen Masks

Village Vets,family owned veterinary practice, has today teamed up with Meath Fire Department to supply pet oxygen masks to all 10 county fire trucks, in the hopes of decreasing the effects domestic fires have on our pets.


During domestic fires, the greatest threat to an animal’s health is smoke inhalation, which can cause irreversible damage.  Unfortunately during such fires, animals seek refuge in a safe place within the home, despite the imminent threat from the spreading fire. If not rescued and treated immediately, pets can suffer from inflammation, coughing, increased respiratory rate, difficulty breathing and unfortunately death.

To help prevent such circumstances occurring within the Meath area, Village Vets has teamed up the Meath County Council to ensure that all 10 emergency fire trucks, from the Meath fire department, will each have a pet oxygen mask. Village Vets hopes to continue this relationship with fire stations and county councils across Ireland, and is calling on all fire stations to equip their fire trucks with pet oxygen masks.


Village Vets MD, Charles Cosgrave,  said: ‘Over the past twelve months across our clinics, we have seen over 20 pets from domestics fires, all with varying degrees of smoke inhalation – unfortunately, some were not lucky enough to survive.  The pet oxygen masks are vital in order to save an animals life; they’re as vital as human oxygens masks are to humans. Unfortunately in the sheer panic and upset of a domestic fire, pets are sometimes third or fourth on the list to rescued. The longer pets spend in a smoke enclosed room, the worse the damage will be. This is why we are delighted to team up with Meath fire department and supply 10 pet oxygens masks to  the seven fire stations in Meath including Dunshaughlin, Ashbourne, Navan, Trim, Nobber, Oldcastle & Kells Fire Station. We are calling on all county councils and fire stations across Ireland to come on board and equip their fire trucks with live saving pet oxygen masks.


Village Vets expert tips for caring for your pet after a fire include:

  • If the fire brigade provides your pet with an oxygen mask, keep it on them until veterinary staff take over care
  • Keep your pet calm! Stressed animals will hyperventilate, which can prevent them from taking in enough oxygen
  • If they have any obvious burns, give them a cold, wet towel to lie in during the car ride to the vets, as this will help to cool the heat and reduce pain
  • Don’t douse them with very cold or freezing water, as this can actually trap heat inside the animal’s body rather than allowing it to escape
  • Don’t apply any burn sprays or gels, as this can interfere with veterinary treatment
  • Keep dogs on leads and cats in carriers. A frightened animal will try to run away, no matter how well behaved they are usually
  • On the way to the vet, drive with the windows cracked down to let in cool, fresh air
  • Ensure that your pet has access to fresh drinking water en route to the vet

More information can be found on our Facebook pages for Village Vets or by calling your nearest Village Vets clinic.

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